Lina do Carmo


Mythology and innovation arise from a deep creative force that searches for contemporary and distinct expression. Dance is an universal language for this expression. Lina do Carmo's creations are statements of her cultural identity. With the means of her body she translates emotions and stories from her home culture into the language of an expressive dance theatre that fascinates audiences around the world.

Lina do Carmo

Photo: Satiro Valença

Since many years the choreographer and dancer Lina do Carmo lives in Germany as well as in Brazil. After studying dance and theatre in Brazil and the USA, Lina studied mime in Paris with Marcel Marceau and achieved the mimodrame diploma. In her artistical work she combines the different techniques of body expression with the imaginative sources of her roots into unique organic movement language, from which she created several solo shows and group pieces, like »VICTORIA REGIA - A Fiction from Amazonas« (1990), »FUGITUS« (1994), »CAPIVARA« (1997), »ARUANÃZUG« (1999).

Her solo dances have been performed successfully on festivals and in theatres all over Germany as well as in Austria, Italy, France, Portugal, Poland, Lichtenstein and of course Brazil. Lina do Carmo is also a teacher, e.g. at the Tanzhaus NRW in Düsseldorf, Tanz Woche Wien, Ecole de Mimodrame de Paris, Ohio University, many festivals and several Brazilian theatre universities and dance centers.

In the years from 2000 she has shifted her activities to Brazil, developing choreographic researches (dance and archeology) and establishing, with the support of the »Fundação Museu do Homem Americano«, the art & education center Pro-Arte FUMDHAM (formation, creation and research) in the Serra da Capivara National Park in her home state Piauí. This initiative was awarded »Cidadão 21 Arte« in 2002 by the IAS (Instituto Ayrton Senna). In 2003 she conceived and directed the 1st INTERARTS FESTIVAL INTERARTES in Serra da Capivara. For her cultural and political engagement for the development of new possibilities of a social and human transformation of the interior Brazil she was nominated for the »Prêmio Multicultural Estadão«, the most important cultural award in Brazil. Sharing her life between Germany and Brazil Lina do Carmo is still trying to combine innovative art, prehistorical ambience and strong nature. After the successful 2nd edition of the INTERARTS FESTIVAL INTERARTES in 2004 she went on a Brazilian tour with her solo dance »CAPIVARA« supported by an award of »CARAVANA FUNARTE«.

Since 2005 Lina do Carmo engages herself also in Germany in projects for children and young people, e.g. ”Dance Meets Identity – 180˚ Grad Drehung“ with the NRW Landesbüro Tanz – Landesbüro nrw Dance in schools (North-Rhine-Westphalia Dance Office - Dance in Schools) and with the KölnMusik GmbH for the Vivaldi project ”The four Seasons“ presented at the Cologne Philharmonic Concert Hall. Besides this since long time the special focus of her work has been the interface between choreography and metaphysics. Thus Lina do Carmo communicates throught her youngest solo-choreography VIAJANTE DA LUZ (Voyage into the Light), premiered 2007 in Cologne, “the dance as experience of the soul - not just as performance impulse, but also as source of human consciousness“.

In April 2011 at the Kreuzkirche in Bonn Lina do Carmo will create the choreography for the multimedial music-theatre project “Was ist Wahrheit? (What is Truth?)", based on J.S. BACH's "Johannespassion” with the "Kammerchor VOX BONA" conducted by the choirmistress Karin Freist-Wissing and directed by Christoph G. Amrhein. More info:

”Lina do Carmo dances with an elementary power of expression... Gestures...unfold themselves in a frequent change of dynamic energy and breath-taking silence.“
(Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany)

”The almost naked dancer...reveals breath-taking animality, fascianting with a suggestive body language, whose variety of expressions include Indian magic and mysticism, rituality and eroticism.“
(Neue Rhein/Ruhr-Zeitung, Germany)

”Lina do Carmo unifies cultures ... She seems to be searching for something from former times, from the ancestry. But the most important is the substance of her mixtures. She is such a fine and powerful performer, everything her body does is organic, it seems materialized in her bones and muscles, breathing through her skin.“
(Helena Katz, O Estado, São Paulo, Brazil)

GURDJIEFF-MOVEMENTS & SACRED DANCES - On going Open-classes in virtual format the (open classes) continue in NOVEMBER  01. 15. and 29. with two hours duration. We will have a moment for an enrichment with reflections, questions, sharing.  Schedule: from 09:00 to 11:00 am (Mexico) / 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (Brasília) / 16:00 to 18:00 pm (Germany) The number of participants is limited.  For further information please write to

GURDJIEFF-MOVEMENTS & SACRED DANCES - On going Open-classes in virtual format the (open classes) continue in NOVEMBER 01. 15. and 29. with two hours duration. We will have a moment for an enrichment with reflections, questions, sharing. Schedule: from 09:00 to 11:00 am (Mexico) / 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (Brasília) / 16:00 to 18:00 pm (Germany) The number of participants is limited. For further information please write to

Art and transformation - module 1. starting in October 2020. The number of participants is limited.  For further information please write to

Art and transformation - module 1. starting in October 2020. The number of participants is limited. For further information please write to

Gurdjieff-Movements & Dances Journée -  Tanzfaktur Köln, SUNDAY, 1st November 2020 ,von 09:00 bis 16:00h

Gurdjieff-Movements & Dances Journée - Tanzfaktur Köln, SUNDAY, 1st November 2020 ,von 09:00 bis 16:00h

Gurdjieff-Movements & Dances Journée -  Tanzfaktur Köln, SUNDAY, 1st November 2020 ,von 09:00 bis 16:00h

WHAT IS THE AIM OF THIS PRACTICE? The GURDJIEFF-MOVEMENTS & DANCES are inner exercises for self-knowledge. They come from various ancient sources and are achieved through direct transmission. The body moves in certain postures, at a defined rhythm, with the aim of awakening certain energies in one's own body. This work in oneself develops a quality of attention that leads to self-observation and a deeper understanding between dance and life. This very unique experience is performed with music by Gurdjieff / de Hartmann. The method is known as a highly specific approach to conscious presence. Beside the manifold somatic effects more presence in body, heart and mind. For further information please write to

Der Körper als szenische Figur - Contemporary dance - Tanzfaktur Köln 15th November 2020, von 09:00 bis16:00h

Der Körper als szenische Figur - Contemporary dance - Tanzfaktur Köln 15th November 2020, von 09:00 bis16:00h

Der Körper als szenische Figur - Contemporary dance - Tanzfaktur Köln 15th November 2020, von 09:00 bis16:00h

BODY AS SCENIC FIGURE : How would the body as scenic figure resemble? And what defines the strength of physical presence in contemporary dance performance? How body awareness influences the movements? By experiencing movements, the body is transformed into an emotional silhouette, it is no longer seen as a simple aesthetic instrument, but as a source of vibrations, mutated images, and tangible symptoms. In this workshop we will take up different technical elements as intrinsic paths that lead the performer (dancer or actor) to the visual composition of a danced figure. Through dance we will develop spatial and poetic metaphors that help to give shape to the feelings. Between spontaneous movements and rhythmic structures we will search formal, conscious aspects of the feelings in the body image. Beyond realism we will approach unusual situations and embody figures as self-portraits.

Festival Auteurs en Acte _ "PAROLES EN ACTE"    am 02.02.2020,Théâtre Victor Hugo, Paris

Festival Auteurs en Acte _ "PAROLES EN ACTE" am 02.02.2020,Théâtre Victor Hugo, Paris

Workshop Oct 2018

Workshop Oct 2018

Book Corpo do Mundo

Book Corpo do Mundo

Presentation of the book "Corpo do Mundo" at Teatro 4 de Setembro in Teresina, PI (Brazil)

Presentation of the book "Corpo do Mundo" at Teatro 4 de Setembro in Teresina, PI (Brazil)

Gurdjieff-Mouvements Séminaire - Paris, le 3, 4 et 5 Mars 2017

Gurdjieff-Mouvements Séminaire - Paris, le 3, 4 et 5 Mars 2017

28/29.08.2015 solo-dance "CAPIVARA" - Festival Int. Cena Contemporânea, Brasília-DF, Brazil

28/29.08.2015 solo-dance "CAPIVARA" - Festival Int. Cena Contemporânea, Brasília-DF, Brazil

Lina do Carmo Solo performance "Beyond Dance" & Gurdjieff Movements Seminar, YogaArt 2013 in IZTAC, Mexico

Lina do Carmo Solo performance "Beyond Dance" & Gurdjieff Movements Seminar, YogaArt 2013 in IZTAC, Mexico

Premiere "WAS IST WAHRHEIT? J.S.BACH Johannespassion2011.

Premiere "WAS IST WAHRHEIT? J.S.BACH Johannespassion2011.

Viajante da Luz - Lichtreise. Tanzperformance von und mit Lina do Carmo showing in Brazil by Dança Contemporanea na TV Cultura, April 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th 10th 2011

Viajante da Luz - Lichtreise. Tanzperformance von und mit Lina do Carmo showing in Brazil by Dança Contemporanea na TV Cultura, April 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th 10th 2011

News & Info

New Danceproject  Kölner Philharmonie: "Mussorgsky-Pictures at an Exhibition" - Premiere January 25.2010, 18:00h

New Danceproject Kölner Philharmonie: "Mussorgsky-Pictures at an Exhibition" - Premiere January 25.2010, 18:00h

Gurdjieff Sacred Dances - Dance your own reality with Lina do Carmo (Jai Kartar Kaur),  Amsterdam February 13 & 14 and May 15 & 16.2010  - Information and sign-up: Guru Deva Kaur +31 6 415 318 46,

Gurdjieff Sacred Dances - Dance your own reality with Lina do Carmo (Jai Kartar Kaur), Amsterdam February 13 & 14 and May 15 & 16.2010 - Information and sign-up: Guru Deva Kaur +31 6 415 318 46,