Lina do Carmo

interarts festival interartes



From the 3rd to 7th September 2004 under the open star sky of the Serra da Capivara National Park in the caatinga of Piauí in the northeast of Brazil inside a profound pre-historical scenery, the 2nd Interarts Festival Interartes has showed cultural traditions side by side with innovative arts.

The stage is placed in front of Pedra Furada (Pierced Rock), one of the landscape symbols of the par. Here artists from diverse regions of the world present regional and classic music, dance and mime.

The festival, that is located in one of the economically poorest regions of the country, presents art from the ancestry to the contemporary expression, from the roots to uptodate. The program will also include conferences for art and science.

The pupils of the social project Pro-Arte that is supported by the Foundation of the Museum of American Man (FUMDHAM) also present themselves, promoting art in education to the children and young people of the region. It makes the 2nd Interarts Festival Interartes an unique event in the world as it has these characteristics, involving social context and scientific knowledge and all types of arts.

The first Interarts Festival Interartes had about seven thousand visitors. It was nominated for the national award „Estadão Multicultural“.

Location: Amphitheatre Pedra Furada

The Serra da Capivara National Park is an important cradle of American civilization. In the park some of the oldest rock paintings in the world can be found, thousands of them being documented by the work of 30 years of archaeological research of Niéde Guidon. Followingthe artistic concept of the choreographer Lina of the Carmo the program of the 2nd Interarts Festival Interartes presents more than 15 performances with contrasting aesthetic contents and languages: dance, music and theatre.

The Program:

Friday, 3/9
18h30 RITUAL CANTO E DANÇA, Indios Krahó (Rio Vermelho -Tocantins/BR)
19h30 Opening: Dra Niède Guidon (Diretora Presidente da Fumdham) e autoridades
20h PACTO RENOVADO, Criação Multimedial, Pró-Arte Fumdham (S.R.Nonato-PI/BR)
20h40 MARCAS, Solo-dança, João Negreiros (Brasília-DF/BR)

Saturday, 4/9
20h*SERTÃO, Cia Marcelo Evelin (Amsterdam-Teresina-PI/BR)
21h30 COREOGRAFIA PARA OUVIR, Dance Cia. Quasar (Goiânia-GO/BR)

Sunday, 5/9
19h LUBIE, RÉFLEXIONS MANUELLES, Compagnie Les Rémouleurs (Paris/France)
20h30 SOMTIR, Cia. Brasílica, (Recife-PE, São Paulo-SP/BR)
21h30 OLÉ, VISUAL FLAMENCO COMEDY, Paul Morocco (Londres/GB)

Monday, 6/9
19h LUBIE, RÉFLEXIONS MANUELLES, Compagnie Les Rémouleurs (Paris/France)
(Amphitheater do Museu do Homem Americano-São Raimundo Nonato)
20h30 PIAUÍ, Luizão Paiva Quinteto (Teresina-Pi/BR)
21h40 O SAMBA DO CRIOLO DOIDO, Solo-dance Luiz de Abreu (São Paulo-SP/BR)
(over 16 years public)

Tuesday, 7/9
19h30*FUGITUS J.S.Bach’s Art of the Fugue, Lina do Carmo e Pi-Hsien Chen (Cologne/Allemagne)
20h30 PIANO SOLO Pi-Hsien Chen (Bergneustadt/Allemagne)

More attractions in the small city Coronel José Dias, during the whole event, after 23:00h:

3rd to 9th September: SANFONEIROS (accordeon players from the region) and Pro-arte FUMDHAM Musicians.
Closing the festival, from 7th to 9th September: Group DINOS (Teresina-PI) and CABRUÊRA (Campina Grande-Paraíba/BR)

3rd to 9th September (friday, Saturday, sunday, monday, thuesday, Wednesday and thursday):
Intensive dance, music, plastic arts workshops with artists invited, offered as social contribuition for local artists and visitors, and mainly to enrich the formation of ProArte’s pupils.

Art and Science Conferences: interfaces between appreciation and production of knowledge, interacting artistic languages with scientific and social environment reflections, bringing invited specialists. The first Visual Arts exposition from young artists of ProArte will also take place.

SUBJECTS of open Debates:
"Culture and artistic prejudices"
Video dance exhibition with Sonia Sobral from „RUMOS DANÇA ITAÚ “

Festival team:
President: Niède Guidon • Artistic Director: Lina do Carmo • Local Coordinator: Cris Buco • General Coordinator: Lina do Carmo • Visual Coordinator: Elaine Ignácio • Technical Director: Burkhard Jüterbock • Local Promotion: Jorge Medeiros • General Promotion: Zenza Americas • Production: PROARTE/FUMDHAM

Photos: André Pessoa

Sponsored by TELEMAR, through the culture law SIEC, Piauí Government, Caixa Econômica Federal - Lei Rouanet, Ministry of the Culture-BR
with the cultural support of TELEMAR INSTITUTE, AYRTON SENNA INSTITUTE, FUNDAC, PIEMTUR, TAM, VARIG, IBAMA, IPHAN, French Consulate in Recife, RUMOS ITAÚ CULTURAL, ZENZAMÉRICAS, local towns and traders.